Partnership with Parents

Parent Engagement

We inform all parents on a regular basis about their children's progress.

We involve parents in the shared record keeping about their children - either formally or informally - and ensure parents have access to their children's written developmental records.

We provide opportunities for parents to contribute their own skills, knowledge and interests to the activities of the setting.

We inform parents about relevant conferences, workshops and training.

We consult with parents about the times of meetings to avoid excluding anyone.

We provide information about opportunities to be involved in the setting in ways that are accessible to parents with basic skills needs, or those for whom English is an additional language.

We hold meetings in venues that are accessible and appropriate for all.

We welcome the contributions of parents, in whatever form these may take.

We inform all parents of the systems for registering queries, complaints or suggestions and check to ensure these are understood. All parents have access to our written complaints procedure.

We provide opportunities for parents to learn about the curriculum offered in the setting and about young children's learning, in the setting and at home.

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